Friday, October 22, 2010



Leaves descending from the branches,

Weeping with a timeless passion,

Because of sufferings that men of ages past have all endured.

Tears descending from their faces,

Men, women, children, of all races,

For the things that men do suffer, and will always suffer for.

Rain descending from the heavens,

Beats down upon the kings and peasants,

Every man alike will feel the sufferings all men endure.

About this poem. I believe it is man's place in this world to suffer. Don't mistake me; I am quite the optimist. But facts exist aside from what I feel about the future. No one can or ought to deny that the world is very evil and very cruel.

I don't think a human can live and not suffer, even if his suffering is limited to personal angst. Do not doubt the ferocity of personal angst, of the type that occurs when one asks what is his purpose on life, or what it will come to when he dies. Here, the king suffers along with the peasant. The one may starve, but will be nourished in eternity. The unrest of the other, however, has implications in a world that transcends our own.

Nonetheless, at some level, all humans suffer. This poem merely states that. It has always been; it is; as long as humans live on earth it shall always be.

~ Not Forgotten

Facing forward, looking back,

Time travels but one way,

My heart is locked up in the past,

In a not forgotten day.

Given to a longing gaze,

Blind to that in front of me,

My soul belongs to previous days,

'Twill be so for eternity.

And now I lay me down to sleep,

I pull the covers over my face,

My rest is shallow, my sorrow deep,

Because of not forgotten days.

Many of us live in regrets and constraints of the past. They can haunt. Let them go. Let yourself belong to the present, ready for the future, free from the past.

No prison is as cruel as the one forged of imaginary bars, rooted in foundations which no longer exist.